Friday, September 28, 2012

Life With Twins!

Whew!! is all I can say when describing life with 1-year-old twins! These last few weeks have been especially exhausting for some reason... It might have something to do with school holiday and their older 6-year-old brother, Xhaiden, being home as well.
I love the boys (when they're not screaming for no reason). I can finally tell them apart most of the time So now I dress them alike on occasion. One time when I took them to the park I dressed them in matching Harley Davidson shirts. This random dad walked up to me and said "I just got your shirt!" At first I was confused. Finally I noticed I was wearing my "I love boys in uniform" shirt.  People are REALLY friendly here. Both Hendrix and Ashton are starting to wave and say "hi" to random people. And people (especially old ladies) just eat that up! (or course if i ask them to wave all I get is a smug face.)
It's kinda weird walking around with twins since most of the time people think they are mine. But if I get a chance I quickly tell them I'm just the Nanny. I'm finally starting to make a few friends (that the family didn't set me up with) Mostly just other au-pairs. But that's okay! We have to stick together! It's REALLY nice having someone else who know's exactly what you're going through! I still miss my family and friends. The longer I'm away the harder it gets... I've already had to UN-convince myself not to move back home early! It makes it worse that family reunion is this weekend... Well as long as I keep in touch with Skype and such and they don't forget about me over there in the States!!
There's been so much going on but I feel like this post is already long enough! Toodles!
-Lydia, the exhausted Au-Pair.


Bridget said...

We can't forget you! Stay the course and have a good time!

ToniGurl said...

You don't know me and that's okay, just Another American girl whose going to be an Au Pair but in Europe and I was delighted to read that you got another update.

Which reminds me, this is going to seem like a weird question but what is the name of your font that you're writing with?